Sculptor completes 1823 monument

Georgetown: Guyanese sculptor Ivor Thom has completed work on the 1823 rebellion monument. Work on the monument began in December 2011 and was completed in August 2012. The date for its official unveiling is to be released. However works are ongoing on the site where the monument will be mounted. 

In 2011, the International Year of Persons of African Descent, several announcements and advertisements were made nationally, calling for responses and suggestions in relation to the monument and its possible location. But there was reportedly no response. Subsequently, the ministry went ahead, and after visiting all the locations where incidents took place and slaves were killed during the revolt, the decision was finally taken to place it at the seawall site.

The 1823 Monument was sculpted by Thom after he had won an open competition organized by the Culture, Youth and Sport Ministry.