Sexual Offences Amendment Bill passed

Georgetown : Three Bills tabled by the Government in the National Assembly in November 2012 were passed unopposed at yesterday’s sitting of the House, including the long awaited Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill No. 26 of 2012 tabled on November 8.

The new Bill allows for a statement written on behalf of a child to be signed by that child or for him/her to make his/her mark where he/she cannot sign. The Bill also gives the accused the right to lead evidence or submit a written statement in every instance where the Prosecution has the right to lead evidence or submit written statements and states that it would be prejudicial to the accused if the accused does not have this right.

 Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall pointed out that the Chief Justice had ruled on August 10, 2012 that the previous Bill was in some sections, unconstitutional. This left Government with the choice of whether to appeal that ruling or to amend the Bill. In order to fast track the implementation of the law, which was not in force since the CJs ruling, it was chosen to amend the Bill.

The second Bill to be passed unopposed was the Business names (Registration) (Amendment) Bill No. 27 of 2012 first tabled on November 8, 2012. This Bill removed the requirement for businesses to be re-registered within the first 15 days of the new year or before January 15 of each year. In removing the congestion which came with this requirement, the Bill  stipulates that businesses now have the authority to re-register not later than 15 days after the anniversary date of their original registration.

The final Bill to be passed today was the Deeds and Commercial Registries Authority Bill No. 28 of 2012. This Bill seeks to bring the Registry in line with the requirements needed in keeping with the transformation and modernisation of the economic landscape of Guyana.

The Bill will help in the creation of modern infrastructure under which the Registry could operate to create expediency of business and other transactions.