Two Local Contractors to help ‘Fip’ finish US$15.4M road

Georgetown: The Government of Guyana has introduced Makeswhar ‘Fip’ Motilall and Synergy Holdings Inc. to two local contractors that are to assist with the completion of the Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Plant's 'access road' project.

This was confirmed today by a senior Government Official who said that the parties are close to finalizing the agreements and the administration is confident that the subcontracting out of the road will allow for meeting the new deadline set for the end of the First Quarter of this year.

The project is currently about 40 per cent complete.

Motilall’s supervision of the project has been such a dismal failure that the Consultant for the Project had to step in to assist with the management of the project.

The multi-million dollar project being undertaken is on six different discreet locations requiring individual teams and fleets of equipment to carry out the task at hand and this is another area that the Contractor (Fip Motilall of Synergy Holdings) has failed in the process incurring the delays.

With the two contractors on board the Company is expected to finally make the deadline having already missed three.