Promoter taking Kensington Oval to the law courts


The Celebration Time Calypso Tent is taking Kensington Ova Management  Inc (KOMI) over a breach of an agreement to host a  Crop Over show at the cricket ground on August 1.

Peter Boyce, the manager of the tent tpld Trakker News he was stopped by the management of KOMI  from paying  a deposit  on a show yesterday, after having negotiations and discussions with them about the event since January.

According to Boyce, he was only informed by Henry Inniss the CEO of KOMI  yesterday one week befor the show  that the facility would not be available

"We  went to pay our deposit yesterday and we were told by the management that we could not have show because the National Cultural Foundation (NCF) had planned at technical rehearsal on that day, therefore we should look at another date", Boyce said.

He argued that the following day was available for the NCF's rehearshal, but it seem KOMI was unwilling to compromise.  .