Police still looking for clues in Doctor’s wife murder- Husband not treated as suspect.

Georgetown: So far the police are coming up empty handed as the intense probe continue into the gruesome murder of 58 year old Sharanie Doobay, wife of prominent doctor Ramsunder Doobay. Some one apparantly took the time to cover their tracks, since the entire property was searched for clues but investigators found nothing. Mrs. Doobay murder has attracted widespread concerns among prominent members of the medical and business community. No one seem to have a clue, not even the dead woman's husband who found his wife's body Tuesday last when he returned home from work. So far the police are not holding Dr Doobay as a suspect. Investigators are ruling out robbery, since a large sum of money was found in the house and everything seemed to be intact. The police were examining the theory that a close associate may have been involved in the murder. A male relative was held for questioning, but so far investigators have not given out any information about the man. Meanwhile there is much speculation as to the motive behind the woman's death as police continue their investigations.