New areas to be utilised to develop, market Guyana’s tourism

tourismGeorgetown: Digital marketing, trade shows or expos, overseas representation, and Tourism Satellite and Accounting, are some of the new initiatives that will advance Guyana’s tourism sector, Minister of Telecommunication and Tourism, Catherine Hughes informed the National Assembly during the budget debate.

Hughes stated that engagement with Trip Advisor which is a global marketing platform, will conduct targeted marketing for emerging and generating geographic markets and niche segments. 

Trade fairs and expos will be utilised to push the country’s tourism potential. Minister Hughes acknowledged that, “the key way to sell our destination, we recognise in a cost effective way, is our participation at international trade fairs and we have gone to specific trade fairs in the bird watching market and also in our adventure leisure market.”  

Overseas representation companies in the United States, United Kingdom and European markets will assist with consumer trade and sales outreach which will produce marketing features and stories in various publications.

Tourism Satellite Accounting (TSA) is a standard statistical outline and is a key instrument for measuring tourism economically. TSA was formed last November by varying entities such as the Bureau of Statistics and the Bank of Guyana.  Several of these key committees have been advocating for its realisation.

“We have started an integrated process which includes the Ministry of Tourism, the GTA and several other government agencies in ensuring that we implement a proper Tourism Satellite Accounting system which really will measure the real opportunities and contributions of this sector,” Minister Hughes explained.  

Additionally, the National Tourism Policy has been completed and focuses on eco-tourism destination, wildlife watching and bird watching among other areas.