Minister of the Public Service to intervene in dispute

Kingston, Jamaica.

Minister of the Public Service, Horace Dalley is planning to bring the Jamaican Teacher's Association (JTA) and the Ministery of Education together to discuss changes to teacher entitlements

Dalley told the media his morning  he will be responding to a letter from the association seeking clarity on the changes by Wednesday.

The JTA and the Education Ministry have been at a stand-off since  Minister of Education  Ronald Thwaites announced in Parliament that study leave would be suspended, and changes would be made to the sick and vacation leave system because of unaffordability.

The JTA has suspended its monthly meetings with Thwaites to complete several parish consultations and has called for teachers to prepare for a revolution.

However, Dalley says the Government and the teachers are not at war, adding that the issues are not insurmountable and that a resumption of talks will have to take place to settle the dispute.

He  refused to comment on whether Thwaites overstepped when he spoke on the entitlements issue in Parliament.
