Insufficient funds for Christmas shopping can cause brain strain

In a report consumer behaviour experts say the appeal of flashy ads, tempting bargains and family expectations for Christmas clashes with the realities of the tough economic situation which can strain the brain.

One scientist says that deep brain circuitry called the nucleus accumbens is stimulated when people are considering products and prices. When brain cells in that area release a chemical called dopamine, people are motivated to take action that compels them to shop.

The report said in order to control Christmas spending experts recommend to, firstly, set a budget ahead of time and avoid paying with a card since it doesn't feel like spending. Take a specific amount of cash so that you’re done shopping when the cash is gone. You won’t get psychologically drained if you shop alone and carry a list of things you want to buy. In an attempt to control her Christmas spending a mall shopper set her budget this year to only purchase gifts for her five children, her niece and goddaughter but no grown-ups.