GPHC responds to KN article “Beaten labourer discharged from GPHC …

Georgetown : The management of the Georgetown Public Hospital this afternoon called Kaieteur newspaper captioned, Beaten labourer discharged from GPHC … doctors thought he could not make it” an inaccurate and irresponsible report.

GPHC says, 20 year old Somdat Persaud of Corentyne was transferred from the New Amsterdam Hospital to GPHC on October 10for the management of Intraparenchymal hemorrhage (bleeding in the brain). A CT scan was ordered and the patient was treated appropriately.

According to the hospital’s management, the patient was always conscious and showed no signs of respiratory distress; according to the Glasgow Coma Scale. The attending physicians explained to the relatives that the further care and treatment that the patient required could have been administered at the New Amsterdam hospital and as such, his re-transfer to that institution was planned.

Surprise is now being expressed by the medical and nursing staff at the statements reportedly made by these relatives, for as was previously stated, appropriate treatment was administered and the relatives expressed their gratitude for the assistance they received from the hospital.

The process of re-transferring a patient to his or her district hospital is not uncommon and does not by any means suggest that ‘doctors have given up on that patient.