Government considers electronic tagging as option for bail

Electronic Monitoring
Port-of-Spain: The government is now exploring the possibility of introducing electronic tracking bracelets as an option for allowing bail to persons to ease the strain on the prison system.

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and Attorney General Anand Ramlogan will soon meet with Chief Justice Ivor Archie to discuss some measures that can be put in place to ease the load on the judiciary during the State of Emergency.

The Attorney General has already met with the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Roger Gaspard to discuss some of the proposals by the prime minister to help with the swift administration of justice, including the possibility of ending the prosecution of some matters that are more than five years old, a matter that is solely for the discretion of the DPP.

He says the introducing electronic tagging as an option towards accessing bail could help reduce the number of people in the prisons which was already overcrowded before the start of the State of Emergency.

The AG says the abolition of preliminary inquiries via legislation in the House of Representatives soon, would also go a long way towards easing the pressure on the judiciary.