FITUG’s Response to Granger on Privatization of Sugar


Georgetown : The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG), issued a statement saying the major grouping of Guyana’s Trade Unions, has noted with deep concern the just-delivered remarks on sugar, Guyoil and the state-media by retired Army Officer, Brigadier David Granger.

Presidential Candidate of the People’s National Congress/Reform/1G declared his intention to “get out of State-owned sugar…” stating further that “I don’t think this is the concern of the State… I don’t think there is any place for State ownership of those things anymore, certainly not under David Granger”.

As a responsible trade union grouping and a national institution of working-class orientation – FITUG respects the views of all candidates who would be President, whilst defending its right to disagree, strongly sometimes, with those views.

Mr Granger’s declared intention and policy of economic reform seems to be synonymous with the Washington Consensus which is so much discredited today and is wreaking havoc especially to the millions of ordinary people throughout the world. He is clear that he will divest the ownership and management of sugar from any State-associated entity. Under Granger, Guysuco, as currently constituted, will go, this is according to FITUG.