Employment Rights Act must be proclaimed says union boss


The Employment Right Act represent the most vital piece of social engineering to have taken place in Barbados in the last 40 years and must be proclaimed.

General Secretary of the Barbados Workers' Union Sir Roy Trotman made these comments during a press briefing held at Solidarity House yesterday evening.

The veteran trade unionist said the act contained several items which will be disputed until its is amended. However Sir Roy said: "My advise to to Minister of Labour Esther Byer-Suckoo is to press her colleagues to pass the act now, and deal with amendments later".

"Even with the shortcomings in the legislation, the Employment Rights Act still remains the most vital piece of social engineering for Barbados since Errol Barrow's National Insurance Act. I was aware of the frenzy of some of the employers,  including the leadership of the Barbados Employer's Confederation, in trying to stall the legislation", Sir Roy said.

He added that he was bitterly disappointed by the efforts of the Opposition Barbados Labour Party to hinder the passage of the legislation.

The outspoken trade unionist said there were gruesome reports of mindless and heartless termination of workers and the denial of other workers rights. He insisted that the legislation would protection for these workers.