Call for legislation to deal with ‘dirty cops’

Dominica : Dominica’s Police Chief, Cyril Carette, is calling for legislation to deal with police officers who he claims are “going to bed with the drug dealers.”

Responding to various allegations of corrupt practices and ill-discipline in the Dominica police force, the commissioner told Dominica News Online that he is disappointed that some members within the rank and file of the Force (DPF) are involved with drug dealers.

He labeled the practice dirty, corrupt and dishonest.

A source inside the police force (code name “Slavery”) is alleging that the Police force is harboring corrupt police officers.

According to the source, corruption is rampant in the force.

“Slavery” also claims that when concerned officers speak out they  are being transferred as a punitive measure.

However while acknowledging the challenge  of trying to weed out corruption from the force, police chief Carrette denied the punitive transfer allegations.

The commissioner says transfers are part of the normal process, and explained that some officers ask for transfers but sometimes have difficulty adapting to that change.

Referring specifically to the corruption allegations  Carrette said  “the corruption that you have in the police force is where you have some or a few police officers  who go to bed with drug dealers and try to sell out information from the police force.  Some of the police officers maliciously do this”.

He is calling for existing laws to be adjusted to facilitate swift action being taken against those in violation.

“They have to adjust the laws so as to assist us to deal with such persons”.

“ We need to have the legislation to do wire tapping; we need to go before the Judge and lay your case and you get the permission to so do. You will not do it just like that. I am very much aware of the matter in the force but we just don’t have the required means to get rid of them. But we know them and are watching them,” Commissioner Carette said.

“Slavery” (the source referred to earlier)  has also attacked the top brass of the police force.

The informant is alleging that “the top brass of the force is involved with others sexually. The moral decay is low they are in bed with certain people and are corrupt.”

However that allegation was not backed by concrete evidence.