Cabinet to produce new guidelines to appoint members on State Boards

Georgetown : In the wake of heavy criticisms from the political opposition regarding the composition and appointments to State Boards, Government has advised that the process was done using the already established guidelines, the same guidelines used by the former Administration. However, the government will soon produce new guidelines for the appointment of members of the various State Boards and these will be used in the future.

This is according to Minister of Governance, Raphael Trotman who explained that for the recent appointments, Ministers were asked to submit names of persons who will represent the various agencies under their purview.

The Minister acknowledged the criticisms about the lack of gender and ethnic balance and explained that Government has learnt that, “using the old guidelines can put us in political jeopardy.”

Responding to questions, as to whether the appointees were handpicked by the Government as though they were friends and associates of the administration, Minister Trotman explained, “I know it may seem that way, but that was not done. All of them (appointees) had previously expressed an interest. Notice was short but, all of these persons had expressed willingness to participate.”

It is anticipated that with the new guidelines, which are soon to be established, some changes might occur to some already-appointed Boards.