AFC says NIS in Jeopardy


Georgetown : The Alliance For Change (AFC) rejects the cynicism and the lack of seriousness by Dr. Roger Luncheon in discussing the plight of the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) as it stands to lose several billions of dollars unlawfully invested in the failed insurance company CLICO Life and General Insurance Company (SA) Inc. Last week following the tabling of the 2008 and 2009 annual reports of the Scheme and the revelation that the Scheme stood to lose $5,800 million or nearly six billion dollars.

The  Guyana Chronicle carried an article last week quoting Dr. Luncheon as saying that the NIS sits on $30 billion and is financially strong. The AFC claims that Dr. Luncheon hid the fact that twenty percent of that sum is tied up in CLICO and no one knows if, let alone when, the NIS will get back  that money.