Tobago airport to be renamed after prominent Tobagonian

Tobago: The Cabinet is today meeting in Tobago as part of the government's efforts to make the island more inclusive in the running of the country.

It is the second time that cabinet has decided to meet on the sister isle.

Following the meeting Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar will meet with the Chief Secretary of the Tobago House of Assembly (THA), Orville London at the Rovanel's Resort to discuss the governance of the island.

The THA has had it's conflicts with the appointment of the Minister for Tobago Development Vernella Toppin with claims that she has from time to time been exercising authority that falls under the THA Act.

Both the Prime Minister and the Chief Secretary will also attend a ceremony to rename the Crown Point International Airport,  the Arthur NR Robinson Airport at two this afternoon, after the former Prime Minister and President, who was born in Tobago.