Three prisoners injured at NA prison

Berbice: Three prisoners were injured during separate incidents in the Male Block and Remands Dining Hall respectively, at the New Amsterdam Prison yesterday.

Preliminary investigations revealed that remand prisoner Chris Rampersaud was assaulted at approximately 6:55 am by another inmate with whom, it is alleged, he had a problem prior to his incarceration. Rampersaud suffered a laceration to the head and was sent to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital where he was received relevant treatment and returned to the prison.

Meanwhile, during a confrontation in which they sought to represent a fellow inmate, Sebastian Plato and Andy Adams were assaulted by three others. They were referred to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital where Adams was treated and sent back to the prison. Plato, who was rendered unconscious due to an injury to the head, was later transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation for further evaluation and treatment.

The police are investigating the incidents as criminal acts and the accused inmates are currently isolated from the general population.