Special AFC executive Meeting for Sept. 19th to elect PM Candidate

Georgetown : The AFC by article 18 of its Constitution has an obligation to allow its National Executive Committee, after due consultation with Regions and Groups, to recommend a suitable Prime Ministerial candidate.  Such a recommendation ought to take into account a number of considerations and political circumstances. 

This process will be followed in finding a replacement of the AFC’s Prime Ministerial candidate in view of Mrs. Sheila Holder’s decision to step down.  The recommendation which can be unanimous or by majority vote of the membership of the National Executive will be made at the specially convened Executive meeting to be held on 17th September, 2011 at the Party’s Headquarters.

Indeed, in normal circumstances, such a recommendation, which can possibly include more than one candidate, must be ratified at a National Conference.  Delegates representative of the Party’s membership at such a Conference must ratify the singular nominee if that be the recommendation; or, by majority vote elect the candidate if there be more that one nominee.  This is the process by which the Presidential and Prime Ministerial candidates, namely Khemraj Ramjattan and Sheila Holder, were elected in October, 2010.