Schools to benefit from Mobile Museum Programme

Georgetown : Fifty Schools across Guyana will have the chance to have real artifacts/specimens in their classroom with the introduction of the travelling museum programme.

The vehicle that will be used for transporting the artifacts was handed over by Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport Dr. Frank Anthony to the Guyana National Museum last evening.

 “The school loan programme was patterned from an outline done by school children from the Chicago Museum of Natural History programme… The Guyana National Museum at that period adopted the Mobile Museum Programme to enhance the programmes in our school systems. The historical school loan cases were distributed among 104 schools and were initially loaned for three weeks. These travelling cases were then rotated with other schools as part of our continuing education programmes,” Dr Anthony said during the handover of the vehicle.

Minister Anthony said that this mobile museum will allow teachers to incorporate the materials when teaching and aid children’s learning in subject areas such as Science, Social Studies and Cultural and Natural History.

Dr Anthony urged that students create museum clubs and workshops in their schools.

Deputy Chief Education Officer (Admin), Ministry of Education, Donna Chapman welcomed the intervention and stated that it will certainly make teaching more interesting.