Relocation of Human Services high on the agenda – Webster


Georgetown: A new location for the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security is being touted by the Human Services Minister, Jennifer Webster.  Her disclosure comes in the wake of recent reports published recently highlighting that sections of the Water and Cornhill Streets, Stabroek, Georgetown, facility are in a deplorable state, which is not conducive for the nature of the work undertaken by the Ministry. The Minister in an invited comment revealed that her office is not excluded from the deplorable condition that currently exists.

In light of the challenging situation Minister Webster said that “this matter is currently engaging my attention and this was even before the issue was raised in newspaper.” Among the concerns of the Minister who assumed office just about three months ago is the area in which the building which house 527 staff members is located.  “I think first of all the location is bad for the kind of work and services, such as counseling, that we provide at the Ministry…You have the market and there is always noise and a lot of work for the social services people. People are coming in to be counseled and they can’t concentrate with that level of noise…If one was to come down there you would hear the boom, boom boxes at 10 in the morning.”

Coupled with this dilemma the Minister said that the Human Services Ministry building, which has been the venue for the formation of many ideas which have brought much relief to many citizens, it is however a very old building. “So in terms of having the Ministry there right now is not the best idea. The Ministry has been there for a number of years and everybody knows that it is an old building and it is certainly not foolproof so we have to find somewhere…” she noted.