PM Hinds open $98.8 M Nursery School at Tushen

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East Bank Essequibo : The Caribbean Development Bank’s (CDB), Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF) has funded a $98.8M nursery school at Tushen on the East Bank of Essequibo. The school was declared open by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds last evening. Prime Minister Samuel Hinds said that education and training is the way to greater production and productivity and will no doubt result in people becoming better citizens.


CDB President, Dr. William Warren-Smith said that, “we at the CDB have made the education of our people a priority for our institution; all of the evidence suggest that in the Caribbean there is no other investment that provides enduring benefits for our people, like education. It is the principal vehicle through which the cycle of generational poverty is most effectively broken.”

The facility represents a major improvement over the previous school arrangements where children of nursery school-age shared facilities with older children. It is completed with nine classrooms fully furnished with indoor and outdoor assets; including a staff room, food preparation area, parents’ waiting room, water storage facilities, open multi-purpose space with carpet for playing, administration area, sanitary blocks, and storage space.

“CDB is a firm supporter of projects that uplift our people; we like to associate our brand with projects like this one, which promises recurring benefits to the community for years to come…we are extremely pleased be part of the regional thrust to set both our boys and our girls on the path to realising their full potential by exposing them to early childhood education,” he said. 

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