National Assembly approves $28.7Billion estimates for education sector

Guyana-Parliament-Building-Georgetown: Financial estimates in the amount of $28.7B for the Ministry of Education was last evening approved in the National Assembly. Of this amount $214.9M will be spent on the national education policy, $1.1B on training and development and $7.2B on education delivery.

A total of $139 billion has been allocated from 2008 to 2013 to finance the National Education Strategic Plan and a new five-year plan is currently being developed.

Education Minister Priya Manickchand was drilled by several Opposition Members of Parliament (MPs) on various aspects of her Ministry. A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) member, Africo Selman inquired about budgeted salary increases for some sectors such as the main office of the Education Ministry, to which Minister Manickchand responded that the number of staffers remain the same,  but increased salaries were budgeted for as the incoming staffers were taking up senior positions.

APNU MP Debra Backer queried whether the amount for the Guyana Book Foundation was adequate given the work that it catered for, but the minister explained that it was merely a subsidy for the Non Governmental Organisation and as such there was a limit on how much assistance could be offered by government.

An inquiry was made by APNU MP Renita Williams about the positions and number of incoming staffers, and Minister Manickchand explained that they included, a Learning Resource Officer and School Inspector along with 28 contractual Schools’ Welfare Officers and Guidance Officers. With 11 Welfare officers stationed in Georgetown, questions were raised about the need for more staffers to be hired given the serious disciplinary issues affecting schools. The minister said that this has been noted, and efforts are being made to address this issue in the future.

The opposition bench also questioned whether the salaries being paid were enough to attract qualified staff to fill certain positions and the minister acknowledged that this will be taken onboard.

The increased costs for the National School Feeding Programme were questioned by APNU member Amna Ally.  The Education Minister responded that this was previously funded from an external source and government was filling the gap created by catering for both hinterland and coastal students. The minister said that approximately 64,000 students benefit from the feeding programme and included 48 hinterland communities.

Government will also pay the previously externally funded incentives to teachers being posted to hinterland locations. Teachers from Regions 1, 7, 8 and 10 are catered for under this programme according to the Education Minister.

Details for rehabilitation works to be undertaken were also given and these included repairs to the National Resource Center, The Cyril Potter College of Education and several others.

The question of possible fee increases at the University of Guyana was raised by Backer, who cited that the constitution catered for free education from nursery to university. The minister noted that government was still to pronounce on such a move as various options were being examined.

The education sector will be boosted with the addition of 409 newly trained teachers expected to enter the education system in August 2013, while another 41 teachers will complete the requirements for certification under the Trained Teacher’s Certificate Programme, a further 68 in-service teachers in Regions 1 and 9 will continue to access the Trained Teacher’s Certificate, while 366 students will continue to access the Associate Degree in Education at the coastal centers and Linden.

The move towards increasing Information Technology in schools will see 14 laboratories in the Science and Technology Faculties will be rehabilitated; with full internet connectivity will be provided to all faculties and the libraries. Additionally, 35 IT labs are expected to be completed in 2013, while 3,000 teachers will be trained in ICT literacy.

Under the project section of the budget, funding will see the construction of Kato Secondary Complex which provides for 350 students, the reconstruction of One Mile Primary, and extensions to Alexander Village Nursery, East Street Nursery, St. Barnabas Special School, Tutorial Academy and Tagore Memorial Secondary, rehabilitation of St. Rose’s High, and maintenance of other schools and educational facilities countrywide.

The sum of $450M has been approved for the accommodation of student loans for the University of Guyana with further funding for infrastructure and other support services for the tertiary institution.