Two murders a day


Kingston, Jamaica.

Figures released by the Jamaica Constabulary Force shows that an average of two persons a day have been killed since the beginning of the month.Up to yesterday, at least 28 persons were murdered.

The spate of killings this month continued yesterday, with a double murder in the quiet farming community of Bernard Lodge St Catherine Police,

The bodies of 22 year old Cordel Steer of Portmore, St Catherine and Shelly Ann Maxwell, 21, of Clifton District  were discovered in separate huts..

The downtown Kingston community was again on edge as yet another young man was murdered at George Lane yesterday evening. Reports are that the victim was shot by an unknown assailant and died on the spot.

Last year, 398 persons were killed violently, a reduction of 21 when compared with the corresponding period for this year. According to JCF crime statistics, 175 of the reported cases were classified as gang-related murders.

The majority of these killings have taken place in St James, 45; Clarendon, 42; St Catherine North, 39; St Catherine South, 33; St Andrew South and St Andrew Central, 29 each.

Murders on a month-by-month basis, since the start of the year, are as follows: January, 87; February, 92; March, 86; April, 86; and May, 28, up to yesterday.