Mobile app for transport inspectors


The Barbados Licensing Authority has a new mobile application which will help them to deal head-on with invalid road tax certificates, expired drivers licenses and unpaid insurance.

The application was provided to the Licensing Authority by  Blackberry and Research In Motion through telecoms company Digicel, in an initiative called the new mobile application.

According to Gregory Puckerin of Blackberry, the application will allow over a dozen transport inspectors in the field access to the authority's database. 

“This app will help us track down road pirates who operate on the roads with fake licence plates,” Minister of Transport Michael Lashley said at the ministry’s  Pine headquarters.

“It is too easy now  for a person to buy a car for $2 000, go into a garage or at home and get some plates put on, and go out and go and commit some of the worst crimes in Barbados – then push  the car at the side  of the road and go along their business", the Minister added.

So far three examiners and 14 inspectors have been given BlackBerry phones loaded with app.