Ministry of Health confirmed four cases of AHIN1


The Ministry of Health has confirmed that there are four cases of influenza A H1N1 in Barbados, with one death among these cases.

News of this comes following results from the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) in Trinidad which tested 10 samples which were sent to them last week. The other six samples were negative for the H1N1 virus.

According to Acting Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Elizabeth Ferdinand, the best way to reduce transmission of the virus is by practising good respiratory hygiene measures. “Keep disposable tissue handy, so that you can cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing, or use your elbow. Used tissue should be discarded in a covered garbage can or placed in a plastic bag. Frequent and proper hand washing is essential and we should avoid touching our eyes, nose or mouth as germs can enter our body this way.”

She advised those persons who may be exhibiting flu-like symptoms (i.e. fever, coughing and sore throat) to avoid being out in public and to stay away from work or school until fever free for 24hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. If the symptoms persist and worsen, she noted, then these persons should go to their doctor or polyclinic.