Marijuana continues to be smuggled into the New Amsterdam Prison

Berbice : Charles Caesar, 37, who is currently serving a two year sentence for robbery under arms at the New Amsterdam Prison, received an extension of in his sentence after being handed a three year term for possession of marijuana in prison on Friday.
Caesar had entered a plea of not guilty on the charge of possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking, even though he was nabbed by prison officials with six and a half grams of cannabis sativa on March 9.
Only recently, another inmate Selwyn Jackman appeared before Magistrate Adela Nagamootoo on a similar charge while serving a sentence.  Ten grams of marijuana was found in his possession. He was refused bail and remanded until the commencement of his trial.
Meanwhile, another prisoner of the New Amsterdam Prison was further imprisoned for being in possession of some 14 grams of cannabis sativa. The inmate, Darrel Saul was given a three year sentence by Magistrate Nagamootoo.   

 Assistant Superintendent of the New Amsterdam Prison,Mr.Pilgrim in a statement said that," all of these incidences of marijuana being trafficked inside the prison severely questions the integrity of the prison officers" . He went on to say " if marijuana is being smuggled into the prison there must be a flaw in the system". Exactly where that flaw exists is yet to be determined,however, the A.S posited that the flaw will be found and rectified.