Local Gov’t Ministry to provide info to Cabinet on bids for recycling plant

Minister WhittakerGeorgetown: The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development is currently in the process of collecting additional information that Cabinet has requested on the seven companies that have been shortlisted to construct Guyana’s first recycling plant.

Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Norman Whittaker said that an oral presentation on the shortlisted companies was made to Cabinet and that coming out of the exercise, Cabinet determined that it needs additional technical and financial information from the bidders.

The Ministry is in the process of procuring the information, Minister Whittaker said, and some of them have already been forthcoming, whilst for others it is a work in progress. The ministry expects to be able to provide the additional information that is required in a week.

The Minister also reiterated Government’s position of recycling being integral to dealing with the issue of solid waste management. He noted that recycling will allow the country to take out of the supply chain a significant volume of solid waste.