Last six months most difficult, says Leader of the Opposition


 Leader of the Barbados Labour Party(BLP) Owen Arthur, last night told party supporters that the last six month had been the most difficult of his 27 years in politics.

Arthur was referring to the impasse between him and his predecessor Mia Mottley; according to Arthur the division between he and Mottley was one of  the greatest crisis that the party had faced in its 73 years. He added, that there might have been the danger that the party could have been spilt asunder.

Speaking after engineer Dwight Sutherland had won the nomination to represent the BLP in the St. George South constituency, in the  next general election at the St George Secondary School. Arthur told a massive crowd that the the wrost of the impasse between him and Mottley is over.

"Whatever divisions that we might have had, the wrost is behind us.We will heal our wounds and we will bind up ourselves  to go forward united toward victory",says Arthur.