Land Use Planning Project successful – Guyana/EU co-operation

Georgetown : The Development of Land Use Planning Project [DLUPP] has come to a promising close. It was executed by the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission (GL&SC) with financial support from the European Union (EU) of Euro 3 Million or 768 million GUY$ between 2011-2013.  Various stakeholders have been invited for the presentation of the final outcomes on October 18, 2013.

EU Ambassador Robert Kopecký noted: The development of the Land Use Plan and the Lease Approval and Management Systems are milestones in managing the waste land resources of this country efficiently and sustainably. The European Union was a proud partner in this endeavour. I have full confidence that the Government of Guyana, in particular the Ministry of Natural resources and the Environment (MNRE) led by the Honourable Minister Robert Persaud, will ensure full implementation to ensure the fruits of this project to materialise also in the future. At the same time it is crucial that other relevant Ministries and Governmental Agencies are involved too."

One of the key achievements under the program has been the conceptualisation and preparation of the National Land Use Plan (NLUP) which was finalised earlier in 2013 and full ownership has been taken by the MNRE who is preparing the plan for final approval and adoption. This plan will form the basis for the Government of Guyana to ensure a more holistic approach to manage the land resources, thriving towards realising new opportunities for utilising the waste land resources of Guyana, ensuring a sustainable use of the land and safeguarding the land masses for the future generations.


Another key achievement has been the development of the Lease Approval Management System (LAMS), modernising the current system and increasing its efficiency and effectiveness. The LAMS, which is Guyana's first E-government system, will considerably improve the service provided in connection with applications and processing of land leases. It substantially increases transparency allowing for a faster and streamlined process. Both also strengthen the attractiveness of Guyana as an investment destination.
