GWI disconnection contractor threatened by customer with cutlass

Georgetown: Guyana Water Incorporated, GWI reported an incident which occurred yesterday at Cove and John, East Coast Demerara, where a GWI disconnection contractor executing a routine disconnection at Lot 59 Craig Milne, Cove & John was threatened by an occupant of the home with a cutlass. 

According to GWI’s Divisional Revenue Manager, East Coast Demerara, Malica Dowlin , the staff of a GWI contractor had verified that the property at Lot 59 was scheduled for disconnection when an occupant of the home approached Mr. Miles Moore attached to the GWI contractor.  Dowlin stated that the individual brandished a cutlass and threatened Mr. Miles with bodily harm if he executed the disconnection.   

GWI contacted the Cove and John Police Station and the occupant of the home, whose name was not provided, was arrested and placed in police custody at the Cove and John Police Station. 

GWI’s Chief Executive Nigel Niles stated, “the Management of GWI strongly condemns any threats to the employees or contractors associated with GWI by customers.  The company will explore all legal avenues to thoroughly prosecute any customer who threatens or harms any worker conducting business on behalf of GWI.”