GRA to commence payments of tax refunds Wednesday

Georgetown: The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) will commence payment of Pay As You Earn (PAYE) Refunds Wednesday.

Tax refunds will be issued to eligible taxpayers with refunds between $500 to $1000. The GRA urges persons to keep checking the website for their names. Persons whose names appear on the list are asked to visit the Headquarters on Camp Street with the following documents.

Persons can also visit the nearest GRA Integrated Tax office in their Region for a list with the names of taxpayers eligible for a refund.

GRA noted that it would be impractical to either mail or ask taxpayers to come in to uplift these refunds, since the cost to GRA and the taxpayers would exceed the value of the amount.

The GRA will be publishing the names of approximately 500 eligible taxpayers weekly, and they will have one month to uplift their monies after their names would have been published.

Refunds not uplifted by this category of taxpayers will be given as a tax credit against their names.