Former senior lawman charged with perverting the course of justice


Former police inspector Martin Jones appeared in the District  "A" Magistrates Court yesterday charged with perverting the course of justice in a drug trafficking case.

Jones the ex chief of the Court Prosecutor Office was not required to plead to the charge that he committed several acts between October 24, 2009 and March 10. 2010, which had a tendency to pervert the course of justice, in that he facilitated the transfer of the criminal case against Frederick Ryan Grant from District "B" Magistrates Court  to the District "A" Traffic Court  which resulted in no criminal conviction recorded against Grant.

Jones is also accused of committed a series of acts between October 24, 2009, and March 10, 2010,  which had a tendency to pervert the course of justice in that he facilitated the process by which the court order for the fothwith cost of drug trafficking was not complied by Grant.

Magistrate Graveney Bannister released the retired lawman with a surety of $25,000 each and ordered him to surrender his travel documents.