Find new solutions. PANCAP chair tells Executive Board

“There are still critical gaps to be filled, including more focused and concerted action to deal with the difficult issue of stigma and discrimination and human rights” said Jamaica Health Minister and Chair of PANCAP’s Executive Board, Honourable Dr. Fenton Ferguson in his opening remarks to the Twentieth Meeting of the Executive Board in Kingston, Jamaica, on Thursday, 18 July 2013.

The Board was meeting to discuss the development of a new Framework to guide the strategic and programmatic direction of the Partnership over the next five years.

While drawing attention to the substantial changes that have been made to the Caribbean’s regional public health architecture by the establishment of the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), the Minister reiterated the need for PANCAP. “No doubt PANCAP is a partnership in transition, its value-added through its collective goal and vision for the health and development of this Region, however should neither be understated nor underemphasized. [it] needs to be part of the regional leadership in the conversation on HIV and Sustainable Health which is the theme of the UNAIDS/LANCET Commission”, he said

Alluding to the progress that the Partnership has made in its 12 years of existence, the Minister called on the Partnership to think outside the box and to “find new solutions to age old problems”.

On the wider issue of regional health, the Minister noted that there is need to look at other areas where similar partnerships could be established. Health challenges have to be resolved through a regional lens, “We can do nothing in health without a team approach”, he added