EPA to take on enforcement role

download (8)Georgetown : The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be restructured this year to offer a better service and improve its efficiency. The agency, as well will take on more of an enforcement role, according to Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman. He explained that  the agency in the past did not have the power to enforce regulations.

He added that officers of the EPA will be trained to become 'enforcers' and those from the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) willbenefit from training in compliance and monitoring at the Mining School.

This mandate will be boosted with the presence of Minister within the Ministry Simona Broomes. She has been tasked with dealing with matters of compliance and enforcement, Minister Trotman stated.

He added, “A new division is going to be created in the Ministry and Ms. Broomes will be responsible for the creation and functioning of that division.”

The Ministry of Natural Resources is aiming to have all stakeholders in the sector, operate within the laws and in a sustainable manner.