Education Ministry finally pays Literacy Teachers countrywide

Priya ManickchandGeorgetown: The Education Ministry has honoured an outstanding payment obligation to Literacy Teachers across the country. The remedial programme commenced some six years ago, with teachers being afforded a stipend of $30,000 per month. They are however in receipt of $28,440 after NIS payment is deducted. As part of their contractual agreement they are required to facilitate sessions four days per week.

The teachers were tasked with delivering remedial classes to pupils who are dubbed “slow learners”, were denied their stipends for their services since the beginning of this year. However, it was after voicing their concerns in the media that the Ministry recently assured that the teachers would be paid this week.

Teachers, most of whom are currently not full-time educators, are attached to the Ministry’s Remedial Literacy Programme on a contractual basis. They are required to deliver the relevant programmes to primary level children. Sessions usually start at around 14:30 hours, after normal school sessions and conclude at around 16:30 hours.