Dr. Luncheon holds media culpable over recent “racial” innuendo – says sanctions on commentaries imminent

Georgetown : Executive African Cultural and Development Association (ACDA) member Tacuma Ogunseye has found himself in trouble for statements allegedly made on the grounds of race but Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr Roger Luncheon is also holding the media culpable.

Dr. Luncheon blamed sections of the media for “demonstrating a lack of professionalism” by mere publicizing of the “incriminating” statements.

 “Media houses will have to be held responsible for disseminating information on this sort… why would they publish these things?” Dr Luncheon said.

Ogunseye was quoted on April 16, calling for shared governance and in the event that the opposition loses in the upcoming elections, a national government with representatives of African people and the combined opposition as part of the parliament, failing which there will be insurgence to bring Guyana to a halt.

Dr. Luncheon was convinced about the need for enforcement of certain ethical standards in light of such public expressions.

 The Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) has since launched an investigation into Ogunseye’s statement which is described as seditious. The commission in a statement said it will engage with the accused on the matter while its technical staff is doing an appraisal on the statement.