Death leap


Twenty four year Angel Taitt  who jumped from the top level of the City Centre car park yesterday morning, died at the Queen Elizabeth  Hospital during the afternoon.

Taitt, 24, of Storey Gap, Codringgton Hill, St Michael, called several people telling them the she was going to jump off a building.

  Close friend Roger Hind, of White Hall, Main Road, St Michael, told the press Taitt called him on his cellphone and told him of her plans to jump from  carpark.

According to Hinds a distraught Taitt said she was trying to call her husband (Keith)  but he was not answering his phone.

Hinds borrow a bicycle and rode to the couple nearby home and  discovered that Keith's phone was malfunctioning.

Shortly after, Hinds received a call from the police with the sad news that Angel had jumped off the City Centre car park and his number was the one she had dialled.

A source told Trakker News Angel and Keith who got married in July were having problems and was scheduled to see a counsellor at 3 p.m. yesterday.
