Constitutional issues being looked at – Minister of State

Georgetown : On the topic of  Constitutional Reform, Minister of State Joseph Harmon replied thus, “Fighting on several fronts and resources are spread out, but the process has started.”

 Among matters discussed was the issue of changes to the Guyana Constitution, and Minister Harmon firmly pointed out that “it is high on the agenda of the Prime Minister, seeing that he has responsibility for the reforms and changes.”

He explained that Government’s Legislative agenda in the National Assembly “is quite compact, but Constitutional Reform will be dealt with at the appropriate time.”  Minister Harmon revisited the coalition’s (A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance for Change) early days, when the commitment was made to address excesses in the Constitution, a matter that Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, several times, has commented on.

When he was sworn in as Prime Minister and first Vice-President of Guyana by President David Granger, he vowed to bring about Constitutional Reform, stating at the time that he will focus on bringing the Government together but, moreover, high in his agenda is information and constitutional reform.

“I will be fully occupied, but I will pay special attention to information and constitutional reform. Those are two big areas because we had promised the Guyanese people that we would have constitutional reform so I will pay special attention to that,” Mr nagamootoo had stated.



According to the coalition, the amended constitution will put the necessary checks and balances in place to consolidate Guyana’s “ethos of liberal democracy, freedom of speech, reduction of the power of the President, and the Bill of Rights will be enshrined in the document.”