CLICO drama


Court Marshalls  have been searching for former executive chairman of CLICO Holdings Leroy Parris, to serve  him with a summons to appear in  court  for the last two days.

Earlier this week crimminal charges were filed against Parris and current president of CLICO Holdings Terrence Thornhill.

They are accused of contravening an order in August 2009, which prohibited the company's subsidiary CLICO International Life from selling new business.

Thornhill was served with his court summons but up to last night, marshalls were  unable to find Parris, yesterday evening  the law firm Lex Caribbean acting on Thornhill's behalf went to the High Court to stop the charges brought against him.They filied a application to restrain the Commissioner of Police and the Financial Services Commission from prosecution Thornhill before a judical review of CLICO Holding Barbados Limited.