CDB study proposes multi-pronged thrust to cut high regional youth unemployment

Youth Unemployment The David Granger Administration will seek to establish a Public Service Staff College in an effort to reduce the high levels of corruption and improve the efficiency of the Public Sector in Guyana.

President Granger, during a conference with the various Permanent Secretaries and Heads of State Agencies on Wednesday at the Guyana International Conference Centre (GICC), told the gathering that the entire public service was in dire need of reform.

He noted that public servants must possess expert knowledge and high standards of service in order to improve the sector’s efficiency and to increase the satisfaction of the people of Guyana.

Therefore, the establishment of a Public Service Staff College for those individuals desirous of a career in the public service sector is deemed by the Granger Administration as “a step in the right direction”.

The purpose of this institution would be to properly equip public servants with the relevant knowledge and expertise needed to efficiently serve in their intended position.

According to Granger, students of the institute will learn the basics of public administration and understand how to operate in the Public Sector as a public servant to the people of Guyana.

Further, the President noted that the public service should be established firmly on the basis of an effective merit system and not on the basis of political partiality.

As such, he anticipates the functioning of the college would assist in ensuring that merit system is reinforced.

“We need to establish the criteria so people can’t just call up a political party headquarters to guarantee they will be promoted,” he asserted, noting that the college would ensure individuals are properly trained and qualified before they can be promoted.

Meanwhile, Minister of the State designate, Joseph Harmon explained that such a college would be ideal in the fight against the high levels of corruption in the Public Sector of Guyana.

He noted that it would help get rid of non-meritorious promotions by reinforcing the policy that individuals can only be promoted or assigned a certain position based solely upon their qualifications and expertise.

“If you want to be promoted in the Police Force from a constable all the way up to Commissioner of Police, you have certain steps you have to take … but to get to the various levels, there is a set of training you have to do … so in the public service this is really what we are saying…,” he noted.