Cabinet Minister calls Homosexuality an “abomination”

“Homosexuality is an abomination,” according to one of Guyana’s sitting Cabinet Members, in the form of its Junior Finance Minister Bishop Juan Edghill.

The Former Chairman of the Guyana Council of Churches has weighed in on the country’s planned consultation with a view to repealing the death penalty and homosexuality laws.

He does hold the belief that there must not be a discrimination against Guyanese when it comes to accessing services such as healthcare or employment. 

The Junior Finance Minister says that the Cabinet has not taken a position “for or against” the homosexuality or death penalty laws, it has “committed to consultations.” 

He was adamant that regardless of whether a member of society is for or against the measure, they should voice their position so that an informed decision can be made in the end.

According to the Government Minister, this is the only way the society will be able to fashion a menu of measures beneficial to all, on whether to repeal, keep or amend the relevant legislation.