Amerindian Ministry clarifies media reports on land extension to Amerindians

Georgetown : The Ministry of Amerindian Affairs raises concern the objection by the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA) to the granting of land extension to Amerindian communities as reported in one of the daily newspaper

The Ministry in a statement says “the state that the Land Title and Demarcation Programme was available on the GRIF website for several months and regrets that the GGDMA did not take the opportunity to submit its comments, recommendations or seek clarifications on the draft concept nor the proposed project proposal.

As the Ministry with responsibility for executing the programme, it should be noted that the GRIF funds will see the implementation of the project and with the greatest assurance, the Extension to Amerindians will be guided by the legislative process governing such activity and which is clearly defined by the relevant articles of the Amerindian Act #6 of 2006.”