AFC calls for effective political tripartite arrangement


Georgetown : The Alliance For Change is calling for the Political Tripartite arrangement to be made effective and talks to be resumed. The Party is convinced that this is the most viable option for moving Guyana forward.

The party claims the events of the past few weeks must not be allowed to negatively impact the future.

The AFC believes that what happened with the 2012 National Budget could have been avoided if the Tripartite Arrangement was allowed to proceed prior to the tabling and debate of the 2012 National Budget ,so that together, the three parties in Parliament would have had the opportunity to present a budget that addressed the needs of all the people of this country.

The AFC is taking note of the pleadings  from civil society and are prepared to work with the PPP/C administration and APNU to ensure that the resources of this country are distributed in an equitable manner and that all groups feel that they are afforded an equal opportunity to share in the national pie.