Georgetown which was once known as the Garden city is now looking like the Garbage city- the triangular effect.

Georgetown Mayor Hamilton Green today speaking to members of the media said that the delay in the closure of the Mandela Dump site will further caused problems to dispose of Garbage in the city.
There has also been a delay in the opening of a new site which was identified at Eccles on the East Coast of Demerara.
The longest serving Georgetown Mayor claims that several problems caused the delay of opening up the Eccles site and the only thing now is to go up higher on the Mandela site.
The Mandela site was scheduled to close at the end of June.
Over the past two weeks residents around different sections of the city were throwing their garbage at any road corner because private contractors who collects garbage down tools saying that the city has owed them millions of dollars.
Mayor Green said that only so much city Hall can do since central Government controls the flow of money from the consolidated fund.
He cited that the largest tax payer in the city is the Government and they are the ones that have millions of dollars outstanding for city Hall in taxes.
The Mayor is also urging that citizens who have outstanding payments for city Hall to come forward and settle their accounts.
He also pointed out that citizens must be more environmentally friendly and disposes of their garbage properly.
With the now heavy pile up of Garbage at almost every corner of the city the Government is calling on city Hall to get their act together.
The citizens of Georgetown are eagerly looking forward for local government elections. This delay over the past year was because the opposition parties are calling for a reform of the constitution in relation to local government but to date the process has come to a still.
The last Local Government election was held in 1994.
So the triangular effect is the Government calling on city Hall, City Hall calling on the citizens and the citizens calling on the Government to solve the problems.