Cadet Officers to improve Guyana Prison Service Management Capability

   Deputy Director of Prisons, Lieutenant Colonel Malcolm McAndrew told Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee that Cadets Olivia Alfred-Cox and Deoraj Gyandatt will help to enhance the managerial capacity of the prison service. Understudying is on-going since it equips the officers with the necessary tools to aid in managing the prisons. Minister Rohee pointed out that the Guyana Prison Service is a beneficiary of the cadet scheme, set up by government, which provides efficient officers for the Guyana Police Force, Guyana Defence Force and Guyana Fire Service. The cadet programme builds and strengthens the capacity of the joint services, particularly at the managerial level. He said that training is important, since the officers will be prepared to fulfill their responsibilities. The Government has recognised that the joint services require a certain level of officers within its ranks and the Home Ministry is committed to ensuring that cadet programme continues. This will result in the strengthening of the institutions the officers serve and young professionals moving on to effectively serve the disciplined services.