PM asked to “STOP IT”

press freedom Port of Spain; The International Press Institute (IPI) is asking Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar to desist from making statements that the media is bias against her government. Executive Director of the IPI Allison Bethel Mc Kensey is calling for her accusations to stop. She says that Trinidad and Tobago is a democratic state and have the right to exercise freedom of press rights. This right does not include the Government persuading the media to publish in their favor. Allison is looking forward to having talks with the local media about the issues surrounding these accusations. 

Over the past week the Prime Minister made comments about the media publishing distorted facts against her government; which have since raised questions about the validity of local journalistic qualities. She claims the media does not publish the positive the party does and only focuses on the negative. Which led the public to ask the question of how much good is there to actually publish.